

Welcome to TimothyRatajczak.com.

You have undoubtedly come here to learn about all things related to Timothy Ratajczak: his hopes, his dreams, his fears, his accomplishments, his failures, his philosophy of life. Indeed, everything that makes Timothy Ratajczak who and what he is.

Boy have you come to the wrong place.

Nevertheless, have a look around and see if there’s anything you like. I’m pretty flexible so all reasonable offers will be considered.

Good luck, and if we never meet again, that makes two of us.


This web site has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Do not view this site if you are allergic to any of the following: movies, music, books or any combination thereof.  Never tested on animals. If swelling persists or you can’t take breaks from standing or sitting, give compression stockings a try.